Sunday, 9 October 2011

WOW !!!!!!!! Choreopoem Excavations & Discotastic Filming

Several sessions, (two so far) with Louise Katerega at Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre . These have been some of the most powerful, profound and very beautiful artistic experiences . Sharing techniques , mapping the movement language of the piece and understanding my particular body, my visual memory, to begin to explore the particular I way use my body for the piece. Choreopolectics in action - excavating common/different sources and world roots - the benefits of extensive research, to realise the underpinning of the movements. My choice in working with Louise is affirmed most positively, as we have discovered a common language of expression for our concepts - using a range of tools, drawn from , food, jazz music in general to etc. describe movements , ideas about the body. Expanding our roles , in terms of translation and transliteracy, in the interweaving of the narrative and movement shapes, aligned with afrocentric rhythm. Fascinating stuff - we continue next week, having made incredibly quick progress to 'string some essential movements together'..

Today we also had the most brilliant film shoot with disco club scenes, from the narrative with up to thirty people on set!! . With make up hair costumes and props - alongside my creative arts technical team of |Sally Hossack, Abi Morris , Simon Myhill and with myself directing. Great shots in the rushes , marvellous fun had by all - no more outside location shoots - all for the studio now . I am very happy with how it is all going now - even better than I had hoped ! I am grateful for the support of all the actors, dancers, roller skaters, wardrobe, make up, hair and the assistants. Our partners, Curve Theatre Phoenix Digital Media Centre , More Productions (props) the venue Nottingham Oddfellows Club (Committee)Leicester. The Arts Council have made it possible with their assistance, for all these creative arts technical people to participate in something really exciting for Leicester to share far beyond our counties borders...

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