Monday, 24 October 2011

Going On Another Big Wheel Ride

Recently we have had a very good Board Meeting at Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre. especially, to see them take the bull by the horns so to speak . Key decisions about roles e.g PR and some good guidance on contingencies ! MACarena my new laptop and I are on very good terms (I spent a awhile getting acquainted with my friend's and those in the Apple Shop ). There are a range of online digital tools being used from:google calendar & maps, Facebook, Twitter it It is amazing to me how useful this has been for project management etc. Attending the conference organized by Sue Thomas and the Amplified Leicester course have proved to be invaluable. Extending and strengthening my links with De Montfort University IOCT and other - different Staff & Departments.

I have spent some useful time organizing/ filing and collating receipts and such things. In addition to reviewing the last couple of months costs and project activities. We continue to make pleasing progress, but it is the creative discoveries and successes that drives everything .

It continues to inspire us all - we are now organizing further shoots with the creative team at Phoenix square Digital Media Centre , only in the studio this time with a range of character/model actors. With further sessions of choreography with Louise Katerega. Building on our choreographic work done to date. Digital Performance platform Designer Sean Clarke and Creative Design Marketing & Communications meetings We already have secured a two page lead artist interview with a popular regional arts lifestyle magazine. This next phase is already building up a momentum of its own - the energy continues and feels like it is growing . We are definitely, going on a another ride on the big creative wheel - but its a different wheel.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

WOW !!!!!!!! Choreopoem Excavations & Discotastic Filming

Several sessions, (two so far) with Louise Katerega at Phoenix Square Digital Media Centre . These have been some of the most powerful, profound and very beautiful artistic experiences . Sharing techniques , mapping the movement language of the piece and understanding my particular body, my visual memory, to begin to explore the particular I way use my body for the piece. Choreopolectics in action - excavating common/different sources and world roots - the benefits of extensive research, to realise the underpinning of the movements. My choice in working with Louise is affirmed most positively, as we have discovered a common language of expression for our concepts - using a range of tools, drawn from , food, jazz music in general to etc. describe movements , ideas about the body. Expanding our roles , in terms of translation and transliteracy, in the interweaving of the narrative and movement shapes, aligned with afrocentric rhythm. Fascinating stuff - we continue next week, having made incredibly quick progress to 'string some essential movements together'..

Today we also had the most brilliant film shoot with disco club scenes, from the narrative with up to thirty people on set!! . With make up hair costumes and props - alongside my creative arts technical team of |Sally Hossack, Abi Morris , Simon Myhill and with myself directing. Great shots in the rushes , marvellous fun had by all - no more outside location shoots - all for the studio now . I am very happy with how it is all going now - even better than I had hoped ! I am grateful for the support of all the actors, dancers, roller skaters, wardrobe, make up, hair and the assistants. Our partners, Curve Theatre Phoenix Digital Media Centre , More Productions (props) the venue Nottingham Oddfellows Club (Committee)Leicester. The Arts Council have made it possible with their assistance, for all these creative arts technical people to participate in something really exciting for Leicester to share far beyond our counties borders...

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Creative Play At Work & Mac Pro Happy Days ..

Awesome , creative time in workshops, delving to find the characters voice at different stages of her life , extemporising with shakespearean text (Merchant of Venice) rewritten by our Staging Deviser - for a black woman character also focusing on line breaks and rhythm. The text for the piece has a non western afrocentric rhythm. Recruiting several more important persons as patrons for the project. Most importantly acquiring a mac pro computer and making the pc to mac transition - a key tool for the project creatively in using IT, specialist digital, software, and social media tools (there are quite a number that are intrinsic ! ) within the team internally and externally. For a wide range of tasks, but with a refreshing element of creative play and freedom, to expand any number possibilities - in seeing and doing things creatively. TheMac pro will be able to run the creative software required for the work - it can create real wow factor.

We have added our excellent Choreographer Louise Katerega (she has a film interpretative text background also) who has given valuable and critical methods & insights of her reading of the text to inform the physical movements. We are developing for this choreopoem, a bespoke movement vocabulary a ' gumbo' a bank to draw on of signature movements aligned with the narrative . In addition to the role of the filmed movement, areas for interactivity linked to key moments in the narrative . Three days to go , before the big shoot on photo/film location - excitement adrenalin is building (potentially up to 30 people on set !) - it will quite be quite an event of itself . I am enjoying the challenge of it all.