Sunday 22 May 2011

Mixed Messages but Creative Designer Gives Top Buzz

So somewhere those ooooooh's is are still being sounded somewhere about the new commission... but recent times have also featured confusing mixed messages from another key arts venue. Must therefore seek to clarify matters with them further ... However this has lead to sharpened up and more precise communication of information. So here is always hoping....I have noted the amount of information,the different types and quantities to different people at different times. Is well nothing short of l - staggering !! I have lost count of the number of e mails, documents, power points, the amount of phone calls, meetings conversations etc. etc. It is all very much worth it though and it all does yield results in the end . A brilliant creative designer/fiction writer has come on board, who not only gets it all in one fell swoop (too my utter delight ) . But also brings fabulous goodies to the table - like art work design, advertising marketing support (sooo needed later on), clubbing experience and to top it all literary input ! You have enjoy some of all this stuff or otherwise - why do it ? We just need a Finance person and our Project Advisory Board (*two other new members Education professional & ex local Councillor) is looking the business. For a new re- vamped Dare to Diva arts organisation. Ululations aplenty !

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