Sunday, 29 November 2009

Those that came before womens art 20th century

I splurged extravantly on a book on womans art by tashen yesterday and what a rich purchase it turned out to be despite the financial tightrope currently so many individual women artists of the 20th century women of colour of were noticeable by their absence bar one or two - american women dominate (is it about size available art markets, educational institutions teaching feminism etc.?) but I found alot of the european work a lot stronger more risky in some cases - so much about the body, inside out , reshaping spaces, shifting the perceptions of things, reworking and crafting (some of this is very hard work !) the way audiences particpate- small to large scale works and the use of different narratives -it is the narrative bit that interests me the most and the use of technology in particular the use of artifcial light, patterns and different urban contexts I am still exploring a bespoke language of movement dance and rituals its importance what it creates and how this weaves with language words and of course music - setting location and context how they are all interdependent most of all the forging of a new way of communciation specific to the ' isms - (no order) middle aged black woman working class polysexual 'invisiblly' disabled, second generation jamtiguan english

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