Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Grist to the mill - University Symposium

I am pleased to be selected and invited to take part in a Live Arts Program as part of a Leicester University Symposium - titled Materialism vs Intangibility it will allow me to share some ideas, work in progress about the piece and develop it further in terms of how those ideas are delivered and received - contested spaces i.e poetic theatre, my notion of choreopolectics (choreography, poetry and dialectics) an afrocentric feminist perspective exploring - colonial -post colonial discourses regarding cultural arts of the diasporas of African India and China in locating unversal links between them- reintrerpreting and revisoning them in a modern english context using poetics/orality , bespoke movement music and digital visuals relocating them at the centre of meta narratives highlighting human agency in struggle and adversity leading to transformation - to begin to interrogate the contested spaces between people cultures and material economics some dynamicic traversing of nonlinear pathways as motifs to illuminate the interweaving of cultural strands, from ancients in Greece, Kemet /Eygpt, Dravidian and China civilisations This was written by me in May of this year - now I need to focus on addressing this in a up to 30 mins performance piece at the Symposium (well some of it !) in a few weeks time good to know there are some resources for this and I have already some very good if challenging ideas on delivering it I still need to focus on the current ACE G4A grant application however - I can see after speaking to the Literature Officer and the head of Writing East Midlands I can offer young peoples and other targeted groups workshops be from the project for spring summer new year 2010 as part of the Lyric Lounge 2 - the symposium live art performance therefore is grist to the mill

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