Wednesday 23 June 2010

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.'Langston Hughes'

Today I have slashed wantonly my budgets and retained the bare essence of what I require in the budget for a grants application to a particular funding body. However I have kept those things I need in order to create the vision - a stunning spectacle that is truly essential the style of the piece and its artistic and cultural context. This is purely a pragmatic decison and will require an ever greater determination and will to succeed. To realise the vision the dream is all. Despite a lack of undestanding of in some quarters, as to its merits, as it is truly cutting edge , innovative in criss crossing, various arts genres, forms and ways of working. In paticualar being rooted in an Afrocentric tradition in the arts. My inspiration continues , drawn from those that have come before me.

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