Monday, 4 January 2010

Getting it right - website debut

So I have now been asked to provide a photo image and some blurb for an initial regional website about my piece - that should be easy methinks as I have written and thought so much about the piece - except this is for a Cultural Olympiad programme website and will carry the ' story' for some time into the future and will be accessed regionally, nationally and internationally too. No pressure then to make sure I get this as right as it can be at this early stage. We do not have our own website as yet for th eproejct but plan to in due course . Providing an image is much more problematic than the text - so far I have a neuman microphone which is used in studios rather than on stage because I thnk it of it as thing of beauty and I like the way it sort of has a cage around it a 'restriction' - it needs to be something symbolic yet flexible as to how the piece develops It feels l already like such a comittment to do this but needs must..

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