Sunday, 14 February 2010

The Creative Caravan Train

So as of last night I meet a DJ and computer whiz (he has just moved to Leicester and is working for Apple) who is really interested in the project and really keen to get on board. Hm.. I can see that in this respect the planned experimental piloting of the performative platform really needs thinking about from now. If I am successful in getting access to local Universities creative digital and performance facilities over the summer, when the students are away- will be challenging. Because there are a number of creative digital people, alighting this particular creative carvan so to speak - I am playing with the notion of 'auditoning' some of them to get the right balance and mix. As well as seeing how well we all might work together, it is a creative chemistry type of situation. The whole project seems to be firing people up, igniting them so to speak . I cannot wait to see how this is then manifested in the work created.

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Adding to the mix

Wow the back story is really moving along i am enjoying writing it just as my dramturge felt , I am so excited as I have met another arts prtactitioner specialising in being a VJ who is very interested in my project I will need to talk with him soon . Lots of distractions but still on track after the disappointment of not geeting funding on first pass at the major grant I needed from a national arts body I' m reliablely told that really excellent projects often get it second time around and I can rely on my co-producers to do the checking this time make sure there are no oversights. The information is to be just so in its formatting ! I concede an oversight on not submitting a financial narrative with my budgets but the other information was all there (in aabundance) but not in their preferred format !!

Monday, 1 February 2010

Backstory takes off

The back story I have now come to realise is a time to enjoy writing - a kind of free writing oh the sparse use of your own stories and others just to spice it enoght to then take flight off on your own imagination, to be taken over by a character or a scene. It may not be like this later on as my dramaturge points out - but for now I write on and I will see where it all leads me ....I was pleased with my first pass, so to speak and pulled off, at a dramatic point ,just as my lead character reaches puberty as to what I had written so far, to discuss with my dramaturge She was vey positve , said it showed I enjoyed the writing, she wanted me to just continue writing, most importantly she really responded to the character in particular the voice and really wanted to know what happened next, she also said something about 'lived experience'.-I said someone else said this about my poetry too - must be some literary hallmark of mine I was pleased with the characters attitude- I had given her a harshness, wry comments but also the pathos - this was crucial to me, for her to speak her own real way in a hybird language all of her own - she begins to have a life of her own - this is very excitng