Monday, 12 November 2012

Publishing our Choreopoem - Will It Be A Song & Dance ?

I have recently had very postive dialogue on line with a high profile poet a black woman, who has also created a choroepoem and it is about to be published. With further plans to  stage this work in the future. This is all the other way round, as to my own project, as we staged the work and are now seeking to have it published. The advantage we have is we know exactly the impact it has on audiences. Based on how we have staged the work . By way of preparing the script for a publisher and an interested dramaturge (at a London theatre )   I am reviewing the show text , I feel as though I need to add more specific stage directions for the character. In relation to the previous previous script I had actually  used that was more practical  for my performance and for the creative technical team.  

I and this other poet have agreed to keep in  contact, to share our individual journeys through  this process of bringing choreopoems,  more into more a broader focus in the arts -  in particular publishing and literature . The publisher's  of this poet colleague poet  is  a well known successful independent , one of those at the very foreront of cutting edge writing in the UK .   

Setting the Pace -Legacy Pioneering Techniques & Practice

In succesfully completing the Evaluation of phase 1 of our project and a review of all the project  achievements. I have a big smile on my face due, to all the stunning digital images created, a rich  text, as one audience member put it 'philosophical poetic prose ' that was understood and was engaging, the cool physical theatre moves and bespoke music. A particular delight was to read  in reponse to our show , all the very positive diverse audience feedback, also from  creative team members and our community ensemble  artists also.

It is my pleasure to be currently reviewing digital still and moving images material,  to share the projects wonderful  digital visual highlights with the wider world . Very specifcally to send to interested Programmers , Artistic Directors Dramaturgs at other theatres with a view to toruign in 2013/14. So to be able to see it all - 360 degrees and contemplate how it has changed my own and other peoples lives. In some way the ambition was really huge - something I more fully realise now it has been achieved in part.  Evidence of the projects legacy is provided by the fact that to my knowledge, there ar at least three other Black women in in my region planning solo shows featuring digital multi - media. I am thrilled by these developments and boosts my confidence in  taking the project into  its second phase. We have so much to share in terms of developing collaborative multi-disciplinary practice.