Sunday, 14 February 2010

The Creative Caravan Train

So as of last night I meet a DJ and computer whiz (he has just moved to Leicester and is working for Apple) who is really interested in the project and really keen to get on board. Hm.. I can see that in this respect the planned experimental piloting of the performative platform really needs thinking about from now. If I am successful in getting access to local Universities creative digital and performance facilities over the summer, when the students are away- will be challenging. Because there are a number of creative digital people, alighting this particular creative carvan so to speak - I am playing with the notion of 'auditoning' some of them to get the right balance and mix. As well as seeing how well we all might work together, it is a creative chemistry type of situation. The whole project seems to be firing people up, igniting them so to speak . I cannot wait to see how this is then manifested in the work created.

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